At its last meeting in October 2023, Diocesan Synod resolved that a Commission should be established to conduct a strategic review of our dioceses. We are now seeking expressions of interest from individuals who would like to be considered to become members of the Commission.
Diocesan Council has agreed that the Commission should consist of the Bishop, the two Archdeacons, and up to 9 other members.
Further detail including information on the remit of the Commission is in the attached document.
To express an interest in being a member of the Commission, please email including the words ‘expression of interest’ in the subject line and giving:
– a brief description of your role(s) held in parish & diocese.
– a brief outline of your special interests or areas of expertise.
Expressions of interest need to be received by 5pm on Friday 19th April.
Thank you very much for giving this matter your prayerful consideration. May the Lord continue to guide his Church for his glory.
With every blessing,
The Rt Revd Andrew Forster
Bishop of Derry and Raphoe
The Ven Robert Miller
Archdeacon of Derry
The Ven David Huss
Archdeacon of Raphoe